For over 37 years, we’ve framed everything from wedding photos to school pictures to custom portraits and more. These events have significant meaning for our customers, and we are always honored to help them create a lasting legacy of their memories.
Each day we have the opportunity to hear the many stories behind all of the treasures that we frame. Some customers bring in sports jerseys or sporting gear they want to display so they can recall a memorable win or just show their loyalty to a team. Others bring in prized embroidery from years gone by or a new needlepoint design they would like to see protected and framed. Many clients bring in family photos they want to have mounted together to show a love that has lasted generations.
But one of the most special services we provide is when we have the opportunity to create a custom frame or shadow box frame that will display the military history of a family or an individual. We have been able to create beautiful displays for medals, certificates, uniforms, and documents. We work with our customers to understand each story’s meaning to design just the right frame to present these unique items.
Recently, a client came to us with a box of military documents and medals from his family. Setting up a new home with his wife, the young man wanted to create a wall dedicated to his family’s history in military service. Items included pieces from when his great-grandfather served in World War I all the way to personal items from when the young man served two tours in Afghanistan. An emotional project, we were able to create just the right way to exhibit these unique items. As the stories are so important to preserve, we always encourage clients to include a description or story, which we enclose on the back of the frame in an archival sleeve.
Another customer brought in wonderful pieces of clay art. Understanding the background of the artwork and the client, we were able to create just the right display to present these beautiful items. His artistry has progressed to become more and more stunning, and we were delighted to be part of telling his story. We are proud of our work, and our client’s success.
Each of the stories behind the pictures, photographs, medals, clothing, memorabilia, and artwork we frame are significant, and we are proud to help our customers keep these memories alive.
What memory do you need framed? Come in today and tell us your story!